About JCLE
About JCLE
The Journal of Chinese Language Education (JCLE) is a fully-refereed biannual academic journal published by the Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union (SCTU) and the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL).
JCLE focuses on theoretical and practical issues in teaching and learning Chinese as a second language. It has been officially included in the list of journals under the prestigious Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) (Overseas). For more information about the inclusion, kindly visit CSSCI website.
The electronic version of JCLE also available on the Airiti Library.
Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union
540 Sims Ave
#02-03 Sims Ave Centre
Singapore 387603
SCCL Press
287 Ghim Moh Road
Singapore 279623
Contact Info
Kindly email to NTU.SCCL.Press@sccl.sg for inquiries or any other questions concerning the journal.
Chinese Language & Culture Fund