About SCCL Press

SCCL Press is the publishing arm of the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL), Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Through our publications, we aim to further the Centre's objectives of advancing research in Chinese language pedagogy and promoting the development of Chinese language, culture and literature in Singapore. Committed to a rigorous process of peer review, we aspire to make the SCCL Press imprint a hallmark of the finest academic publications.
We welcome all well-prepared book proposals and on Chinese pedagogy, language and culture and seek submissions of collections of original and quality contributions. We also partner with government organizations and other publishing firm on a per-project basis.
Five Main Types Of Publications by SCCL
The Journal of Chinese Language Education (JCLE) is a fully-refereed biannual academic journal published by the Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union (SCTU) and the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language. JCLE focuses on theoretical and practical issues in teaching and learning Chinese as a second language. It also accepts papers on Chinese linguistics, literature, psychology, cognitive science and translation disciplines with pedagogical implications. JCLE seeks to promote theoretical and applied research on Chinese language education and disseminate effective practices in teaching and learning of Chinese.
JCLE was officially included in the list of journals under the prestigious Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) (Overseas) (2014-2015) in January 2014.