Professional Certificate In Teaching Of Chinese As Second Language
The Certificate in Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language aims to provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge of the various aspects of second language acquisition and equip them with relevant teaching and assessment strategies to enhance the effectiveness of teaching Chinese as a second language in a bilingual environment.
Programme Design
This programme is recommended for Lead Teachers, Senior Teachers, Primary and Secondary CL teachers.
These courses are conducted under Opal2.0 platform. MOE will sponsor the training cost for the MOE-Employed Trained Education Officers.
The participants upon completion of 5 courses and an assignment will attain the Professional Certificate in Teaching of Chinese as Second Language.
CLI-000444 Social and Psychological Factors Affecting CL as a 2nd Language
影响华语作为第二语言学习的社会与心理因素(小学/中学/初院/高中)CLI-000398 Integrating Culture into the Teaching of CL as 2nd Language (Pri)
华语作为第二语语言教学中文化因素的融入 (小学)CLI-000401 Integrating Culture into the Teaching of CL as 2nd Language (Sec)
华语作为第二语语言教学中文化因素的融入 (中学)CLI-000416 Assessment of Teaching CL as a 2nd Language
华语作为第二语言的评估与测试:原则与策略CLI-000474 / CLI-000475 Language Interference Implications to Teaching CL as a 2nd Language (Pri/Sec)
华语作为第二语言学习中的语际干扰:教与学的意义by Dr Li Li
Class Run 1
15/07/2025 & 16/07/2025
Class Run 2
6 hours
CLI-000502 Teaching CL as a 2nd Language: Principles and Strategies (Pri)
华语作为第二语言的教学:原则与策略(小学)CLI-000391 Teaching CL as a 2nd Language: Principles and Strategies (Sec)
To register on Opal2.0 website by searching the course code under “Catalogue”, and apply on the class run.
Contact For Enquiry
Should you have any enquiry regarding the course, do contact us to find out more.
Ms Wong Angel / Ms Pearne Chin Executive (Curriculum)
Mr Lim Yee Pin (MTT) Dean Of Curriculum
(+65) 6467 5667 ext 214