About SCCL

About SCCLThe Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL) was opened by founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on 17 November 2009. Its establishment was earlier announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 6 September 2008.
The objective of SCCL is to enhance the effectiveness of teaching Chinese as a second language in a bilingual environment and to meet the learning needs of students from non-Mandarin speaking homes.
Through the provision of quality training, SCCL hopes to enhance the teaching literacy, competency and professionalism of Chinese language teachers. It further strives to promote the development of Chinese culture and language in Singapore.
SCCL also focuses on researching innovative teaching and learning strategies and, through the promotion of effective Chinese language pedagogy in a bilingual environment, aims to develop unique and effective teaching methods to strengthen the position of SCCL as the regional teaching and research centre for Chinese as a second language.

The SCCL logo is designed by renowned Singapore designer, Mr See Hak Gei. It comprises the letters S-C-C-L which combine to form the Chinese character "华".
The 2 "t"s formed when the letter "I" crosses each of the 2 "c"s bring out the essence of SCCL's Mission of providing quality training and establishing a brand name in CL teaching.
Our Vision
A Centre of Excellence for the learning, teaching and educational research of the Chinese Language in a bilingual context.
Our Mission
To provide quality training in pedagogy and research, to enhance the learning of Chinese language and culture, and to promote Singapore approach to Chinese Language teaching and learning.
Our Values


